ZettaScript is an independant developers group, who give their modest contribution to the free and open-source software. Because the Internet and computer science belong to everybody, accessibility is a major target for us.
We bring, thanks to the free software, alternatives to proprietary softwares of big companies like Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon or Microsoft. The aim of free softwares is not to enrich its creators or owners, but to be constantly improved by the community. Free softwares often are better than proprietary softwares, more reliable, and match better to the users' expectations.
Here, we usually use the licences GNU AGPL v3 or CC BY-SA 4.0, which have a lot of advantages. We are encouraging to use free softwares and services, like the whole family Framasoft.
Everybody does not access the same way to digital contents and services, according to the age, a handicap, or simply the used device. We fight for equality in the Internet!
ZettaScript is in partnership with ProgAccess, for accessible softwares with a visual handicap.
A protocol and a software to safely anonymize cryptocurrency transactions thanks to a distributed onion network.
A software implementation of the game Ğeconomicus to play on the Internet.
An interactive map showing Cesium+ accounts at their geographic position and the web of trust Duniter.
A tutorial and a Python 3 library to get the Minitel's output and to control it with a Raspberry Pi, without any adapter. (in French)
A Python 3 library for Raspberry Pi to control a graphical LCD12864 screen by GPIO.
A very simple Arduino serial oscilloscope, with a Python GUI for drawing beautiful lines.
An accessible visual or auditive antispam system in PHP, self-hosted, simple to install and working without JavaScript, to set free from the slow and less accessible centralized Google CAPTCHA.